The US F18 rankings page will be updated periodically with the national rankings of USF18 members competing in regattas where at least three F18 entrants competing. Points are accumulated according to the total number of F18′s competing in the event. In addition, there is a 1.5x multiplier for points earned at the USF18 Championship. Your five highest scoring events count toward your total for the season. In accordance with our Bylaws, the season points are used to determine eligibility for the Formula 18 World Championship.
Please send results to naf18-scorekeeper@googlegroups.com(dead email)
Here’s how points are scored:

A skipper may receive USF18 points in an event provided that:
- The skipper is registered as the skipper of the boat in the event
- The event is held in the USA, Canada, or both,
- Event entrants are informed before racing begins that F18s will be scored separately,
- The event authority requires all competitors competing as F18s to follow the F18 class rules,
- The event is open to all USF18 members, and
- The skipper is a full member in good standing of USF18 at the beginning of the event
If there is a USF18 points tie between two or more skippers:
- The tie will be broken the skipper with the highest place at the USF18 nationals that year. If a tie still exists,
- Each skipper’s regatta points shall be listed in order of highest to lowest, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference, the tie shall be broken in favor of the skipper(s) with the best score(s).
Ranking Results
2015? [spreadsheet 0AuHYeYLDxzE0dFBueW13dm96aV94YkdGMGZEMmt2OHc sheet=6]
2014 [spreadsheet 0AuHYeYLDxzE0dHU3ZVJxY25KMlI0YkZHb2Z5cXVzdHc sheet=6]
2012 [iframe https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuHYeYLDxzE0dHFDYTlPRXlKcG13T19PaWZBY0VJaXc]
2011 [iframe https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en&hl=en&key=0AuHYeYLDxzE0dDlyN1g0aU0wU1FQd3Q1eGlnTlBiU3c&single=true&gid=5&output=html 100% 1000]
2010 https://dev.usf18.com////wp-content/uploads/2013/04/NAF18-rankings-2010.pdf
2008 https://dev.usf18.com////wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2008naf18rankings.pdf