We already have 31 boats registered and are expecting many more.  Our entries includes 4 Canadian teams, two from Argentina and one from France. We already have three former US National Champions registered: defending champion Robbie Daniels, and former champs Charles Tomeo and Matt Whitehead. We also have two F18 designers competing: Pete Melvin designer of the Nacra F18s and Emmanuel Boulogne owner of the F18 Cirrus company. I believe we will have a 40 – 50 boat fleet so you want to join this very competitive fleet. 

Regular registration is $375 through July 31, 2021. After that late registration fee is $425. Register now to save $50.

To register go to:  https://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registration_form.php?regatta_id=21890

and get ready to sail in the awesome winds of Long Beach.  This is what Cat sailors live for!