Since we did not hold a Nationals Championship this year where we typically hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) we need to conduct the AGM via the internet this year. We are all now familiar with Zoom meetings so will also be doing that for USF18. So save the date of Wednesday, November 11, 2020. Start time is 8:00 Eastern.
We are also seeking nominations for class officers so anyone who desires to step up to assist the class please contact me. In particular anyone who wants to help out as Chief Measurer of the US Class please let me know.
Anyone with additional agenda items or desires for the AGM please contact me at
I look forward to meeting with you all on Nov 11.
Here are the log-in details:
Join Zoom Meeting:…
Meeting ID: 884 660 8966
Passcode: 2020
Steve Stroebel
US Formula 18 Catamaran Association President